
I thought there would be no new post before I visit Japan In August. However, my brother and I decided to go to the ANI-COM (like the Comic-con in US except it was much smaller). And Here are some of the photos taken on that day.

One of the staff members told me not to take photos of the screens. It was not the game I was interested in…..

This year they are really trying to push their VR products

Norman Reedus

That dude was so focused.


Apparently, all the mobile carriers were using PUBG to sell their new smartphones.

Wearing a helmet

So this was what got on my nerves. Three of them were pals. They were looking for scantily clad female cosplayers. Once they found one they would just keep firing (most of them use Nikon and Canon haha). I get that people love looking at pretty girls (perhaps sexual?). However, scenes like this reminded me of the gangbang scenes (you know what I mean). Cosplaying doesn’t have to be sexual.

Why Nerf had a booth there?

Fake merchandise from China.

This was quite a surreal scene. Almost like the one you can find from Black Mirror.


Childhood memory.

A thing that claimed to help your eye-hand coordination.

More gangbangs


These were working pros though.

Stepping up his lighting game

More pervs and more gangbangs.

The light was good but I was so quick I messed up the settings (shooting F2 here).

Was he working for a movie production or the environment protection department?

The other day I received my new 35mm F2 ordered from So I decided to took it with me on my way to dinner with my friend.

The light was so good I had to take this one.

And this.

I was so drunk that night I had to get off the train and puke.